Maybe you're tired of trying to fit in. Dimming your light. Holding your tongue.
Maybe you realized you are far more than someone's parent or someone's spouse.
You have dreams itching to get out. Desires burning up your insides.
Before you were born, stories were be told about you. Speaking into reality who you would be. What shapes you life could take. Stories told so firmly, so strictly you couldn't avoid living them.
That doesn't mean you have to keep living them. Reciting them as if they are holy.
Photography + Journaling
Transform your stories through guided photography and journaling practice. So that you can decide who you are in the world.
F*cking Golden.
I’m Delisa. I work with people who are done contorting themselves to fit into societies boring little molds. Ones ready to shift their focus and see their world through a different lens.
Take your lived experience, compost and grow one photograph, one journal entry, at a time.
Let's face it, society has fed us some serious BS about what it means to be normal. From the moment we're born, we're bombarded with images and messages telling use we need to be a certain way. Fit into all the little boxes with tidy labels society has created.
It can take some practice dismantling those boxes and erasing those labels. To live your life in a way that is true to you.
Unfurl is a journey to unpack, unfuck, and rewrite the stories you believe about yourself and the world around you.
This isn't about becoming the 'perfect' version of yourself. It's about returning to the version of you that is real, whole and empowered.
Whatever that means to you.
Snakes. Wolves. Ravens.
Dark Goddesses & Horned Gods
Desire. Holy.
Teeth. Claws. Howl.
Siren songs. Self care.
Deep kisses. Heartbeat drums.
Rise. Roar. Rend.
Heal it up. Love poem.
Moon beams. Heat wave. Desire.
Shed that skin. Supple armor. Electric.
Unbothered. Release. Home coming.
Fucking feral.